The Little Ball That Could Arrives to Microsoft Store!
The Little Ball That Could has arrived onto Microsoft Store, so all of you rocking an Xbox One, One S, One X, or Windows 10 can enjoy the smoothest marble platformer out there!
The Little Ball That Could has arrived onto Microsoft Store, so all of you rocking an Xbox One, One S, One X, or Windows 10 can enjoy the smoothest marble platformer out there!
The Little Ball That Could, our darling marble platformer, is now available for Mac and Linux. Let the marble madness ensue!
We have just released a free demo for The Little Ball That Could for Windows! Now, you can get a taste of the action TLBTC has to offer with no strings attached!
How on earth did you come up with the idea of making a marble platformer as your first game? Aren’t there already enough games in this genre, and haven’t they already done everything that could be done? Well, dear imaginary critic, I’ve got a couple of things to share, and I think it will help you change your mind.
The Little Ball That Could, our cool new marble platformer for Windows PCs, is now available for download via Steam. Let’s get the ball rolling!
As The Little Ball That Could Sep 12 release approaches, we have made a number of gameplay showcase videos to help you see what the game will be like to play.
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